Tuesday 28 September 2010

Muerto de Amor - A new exhibition by SAL

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Muerto de Amor is the new exhibition of SAL (Spanish Artists in London). Marisol is part of this group and she participates in this exhibition, which opened to the public in London on the 23rd of September, this month. The exhibition pays homage to Federico Garcia-Lorca, the famos Spanish poet who died young during the civil war in Spain. The private view of this exhibition was on the 23rd and an unbelievably large number of people showed up at the exhibition. Marisol and I came over from Spain for the opening, and will be going on to India from London on Friday!! Marisol's piece is a heart with about 2500 needles stuck in it, titled '2500 needles'.

Monday 6 September 2010

Encierros Ampuero - September 2010

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The Bull runs - known as Encierros - in Ampuero Spain - September 5 2010
several days of non-stop partying, in 10 of which we were involved..food, wine, dancng in the streets, and bulls running down the road to worry about!!
It must be Spain :-)