Friday 30 November 2012

Santiago Montes 1911-1954

Some years ago a close friend of ours in Laredo, Miguel Angel Montes, told us the story of his father Santiago Montes, who was hidden from the the Nationalist police for many years during the Spanish Civil War. While in hiding Santiago learned how to paint and in particular how to make copies of old masters. I felt that this story needed a wider audience and we decided to put together a web page

Here is an excerpt from the web page:

In July of 1936, the Spanish Civil War affects the life of Santiago, who fights on the side of the  Republican Government. When the Nationalists are about to take the city of Santander, he joins the Republican exodus of political exiles to France, but is unable to make it onto the available departing ships.
Santiago uses his skills to repair an unused boat so that a group of Republicans can sail to France, and to safety, as the Franco forces invade Santander.
While Santiago retrieves his rucksack from his home, the boat sails, leaving him stranded.

Read more at where I have recently added pages from an album of portraits which were done in prison by Santiago Montes.

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