Thursday 7 August 2014

Haikus about Fractals

Haikus about Fractals
The other night some poet friends were visiting and on a whim the idea of a Haiku (or two) about Fractals cameup. So everyone got their thinking and creative minds in gear and produced the following:
La otra noche unas amigas poetas visitaban y de repente surgio la idea de un Haiku (o dos) sobre el tema de los Fractales. Asi que todos pusieron su mente creativo en marcha y producieron los siguientes:

Haiku original                  Roughly translated into English

Y al infinito
lo parte el tiemporoto
lo parte el tiempo.

un mar partido sin fin
caos fracturado.

partes formando trama,
todo en urdimbre.

Arde la rosa,
urde la noche el alba,
orden en casa.

And the infinite
time divides, broken
time divides.

endless ocean divided
fractured chaos.

parts forming woof*
all in warp*.

The rose burns
the dawn warps* the night
order at home.

(* warp and woof are vertical and horizontal strings that hold a cloth together)

And this is what its all about - the fractals